A signature is our "unique" representative on the paper that show our existance or to show our agreement on something.
A signature should be written be ourselves and every signature will be unique, but it has red line that show our character.
First time I try to design my own signature when I was in 3rd-4th year of elementary school I used abbreviation of my name as my signature written in italic font.
For many years until junior high school I used that signature and as time gone I feel that that signature was to "childish", not cool like other's.
Then I collect signature of many people and take good line of them.
At that time I start to acknowledge basketball shoes brand like Nike, Reebok and Adidas.
I liked that shoe's logo.
Then I inspired by Nike logo as underlined like other signature did combined with other's good lines abd become my recent signature.
It was admired as cool signature by my Japanese superordinate in the company.
Japanese people not use signature as their representative in paper, but they used stamp of their name.
Maybe Japanese prefer to be consistence with their signature, but I think stamp not show our hand's or personality as good as signature.
Then in recent years I added two dots just like dots in "ya" Arabic character, I did not know why just seen more cool.
A signature should be written be ourselves and every signature will be unique, but it has red line that show our character.
First time I try to design my own signature when I was in 3rd-4th year of elementary school I used abbreviation of my name as my signature written in italic font.
For many years until junior high school I used that signature and as time gone I feel that that signature was to "childish", not cool like other's.
Then I collect signature of many people and take good line of them.
At that time I start to acknowledge basketball shoes brand like Nike, Reebok and Adidas.
I liked that shoe's logo.
Then I inspired by Nike logo as underlined like other signature did combined with other's good lines abd become my recent signature.
It was admired as cool signature by my Japanese superordinate in the company.
Japanese people not use signature as their representative in paper, but they used stamp of their name.
Maybe Japanese prefer to be consistence with their signature, but I think stamp not show our hand's or personality as good as signature.
Then in recent years I added two dots just like dots in "ya" Arabic character, I did not know why just seen more cool.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for that, It is very helpful .